Tuesday, May 29, 2007

daddy & mummy & me, Ellie

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ellie @ week 8

oh no!!! Shes looking more and more like daddy.... hee...

Here's the link to more pictures of her at week 8

Friday, May 11, 2007

6 weeks old...

Yes, time flies and in a blink she's 6 weeks longer, fatter, hairier (on the head, of cos) and most important of all, healthier than before. She's getting better at making known her displeasure when feeding time comes and no "food" is available. At times, its like playing games with her, how fickle babies are when you realise they only want you for obvious reasons.

Her 1 month party came and went but it was a milestone for us as we moved back to our alcove called home sweet home after her confinement period at my in laws. Glad to be home but finding "technical" support amiss since only my mother, who is inexperienced, to be looking after the well being of both mother and daughter. But that said, we are coping well and Ellie's making good progress.

Would like to thank all who has graced our lovely one's 1st month party and some pics of what transpired that day though not a whole lot of photos were captured.